array(8) { ["Hvilken rapport"]=> string(22) "Lessons Learned report" ["Link"]=> string(117) "" ["Part of CCS calue chain"]=> string(7) "Capture" ["Subject"]=> string(34) "Technology and project development" ["Year"]=> int(2024) ["Company"]=> string(20) "Heidelberg Materials" ["Document type"]=> string(22) "Lessons learned report" [""]=> string(0) "" } array(8) { ["Hvilken rapport"]=> string(33) "Annual experience transfer report" ["Link"]=> string(152) "" ["Part of CCS calue chain"]=> string(21) "Transport and storage" ["Subject"]=> string(34) "Technology and project development" ["Year"]=> int(2024) ["Company"]=> string(15) "Northern Lights" ["Document type"]=> string(22) "Lessons learned report" [""]=> string(0) "" } array(8) { ["Hvilken rapport"]=> string(31) "Rapport om regulatorisk læring" ["Link"]=> string(61) "" ["Part of CCS calue chain"]=> string(11) "Whole chain" ["Subject"]=> string(24) "Business and regulations" ["Year"]=> int(2022) ["Company"]=> string(8) "Gassnova" ["Document type"]=> string(22) "Lessons learned report" [""]=> string(0) "" } array(8) { ["Hvilken rapport"]=> string(41) "Developing Longship - Key Lessons learned" ["Link"]=> string(79) "" ["Part of CCS calue chain"]=> string(11) "Whole chain" ["Subject"]=> string(19) "Project development" ["Year"]=> int(2020) ["Company"]=> string(8) "Gassnova" ["Document type"]=> string(22) "Lessons learned report" [""]=> string(0) "" } array(8) { ["Hvilken rapport"]=> string(25) "Gassnovas helkjederapport" ["Link"]=> string(108) "" ["Part of CCS calue chain"]=> string(11) "Whole chain" ["Subject"]=> string(34) "Technology and project development" ["Year"]=> int(2020) ["Company"]=> string(10) "Gassnova " ["Document type"]=> string(14) "Project report" [""]=> string(0) "" } array(8) { ["Hvilken rapport"]=> string(49) "Gassnovas evalueringsrapport for fangsprosjektene" ["Link"]=> string(92) "" ["Part of CCS calue chain"]=> string(7) "Capture" ["Subject"]=> string(34) "Technology and project development" ["Year"]=> int(2019) ["Company"]=> string(8) "Gassnova" ["Document type"]=> string(14) "Project report" [""]=> string(0) "" } array(8) { ["Hvilken rapport"]=> string(33) "Gassnovas gevinstrealiseringsplan" ["Link"]=> string(113) "" ["Part of CCS calue chain"]=> string(12) "Whole chain " ["Subject"]=> string(24) "Business and regulations" ["Year"]=> int(2020) ["Company"]=> string(8) "Gassnova" ["Document type"]=> string(17) "Analysis and plan" [""]=> string(0) "" } array(8) { ["Hvilken rapport"]=> string(50) "Gassnovas evaluering av Northern Lights-prosjektet" ["Link"]=> string(105) "" ["Part of CCS calue chain"]=> string(21) "Transport and storage" ["Subject"]=> string(34) "Technology and project development" ["Year"]=> int(2020) ["Company"]=> string(8) "Gassnova" ["Document type"]=> string(14) "Project report" [""]=> string(0) "" } array(8) { ["Hvilken rapport"]=> string(27) "Rapport om CO2-fotavtrykket" ["Link"]=> string(79) "" ["Part of CCS calue chain"]=> string(11) "Whole chain" ["Subject"]=> string(24) "Business and regulations" ["Year"]=> int(2019) ["Company"]=> string(8) "Gassnova" ["Document type"]=> string(14) "Project report" [""]=> string(0) "" } array(8) { ["Hvilken rapport"]=> string(37) "Oppdaterte CO2-fotavtrykksberegninger" ["Link"]=> string(86) "" ["Part of CCS calue chain"]=> string(12) "Whole chain " ["Subject"]=> string(24) "Business and regulations" ["Year"]=> int(2020) ["Company"]=> string(8) "Gassnova" ["Document type"]=> string(14) "Project report" [""]=> string(0) "" } array(8) { ["Hvilken rapport"]=> string(37) "Fortum Oslo Varmes forprosjektrapport" ["Link"]=> string(95) "" ["Part of CCS calue chain"]=> string(7) "Capture" ["Subject"]=> string(34) "Technology and project development" ["Year"]=> int(2019) ["Company"]=> string(28) "Hafslund Celsio (former FOV)" ["Document type"]=> string(14) "Project report" [""]=> string(0) "" } array(8) { ["Hvilken rapport"]=> string(49) "Fortum Oslo Varme - Testrapport for pilotanlegget" ["Link"]=> string(90) "" ["Part of CCS calue chain"]=> string(7) "Capture" ["Subject"]=> string(34) "Technology and project development" ["Year"]=> int(2020) ["Company"]=> string(28) "Hafslund Celsio (former FOV)" ["Document type"]=> string(14) "Project report" [""]=> string(0) "" } array(8) { ["Hvilken rapport"]=> string(26) "Norcems forprosjektrapport" ["Link"]=> string(110) "" ["Part of CCS calue chain"]=> string(7) "Capture" ["Subject"]=> string(34) "Technology and project development" ["Year"]=> int(2019) ["Company"]=> string(20) "Heidelberg Materials" ["Document type"]=> string(14) "Project report" [""]=> string(0) "" } array(8) { ["Hvilken rapport"]=> string(39) "Fortum Oslo Varmes konseptstudierapport" ["Link"]=> string(69) "" ["Part of CCS calue chain"]=> string(7) "Capture" ["Subject"]=> string(34) "Technology and project development" ["Year"]=> int(2017) ["Company"]=> string(28) "Hafslund Celsio (former FOV)" ["Document type"]=> string(14) "Project report" [""]=> string(0) "" } array(8) { ["Hvilken rapport"]=> string(28) "Norcems konseptstudierapport" ["Link"]=> string(58) "" ["Part of CCS calue chain"]=> string(7) "Capture" ["Subject"]=> string(34) "Technology and project development" ["Year"]=> int(2017) ["Company"]=> string(20) "Heidelberg Materials" ["Document type"]=> string(14) "Project report" [""]=> string(0) "" } array(8) { ["Hvilken rapport"]=> string(26) "Yaras konseptstudierapport" ["Link"]=> string(56) "" ["Part of CCS calue chain"]=> string(7) "Capture" ["Subject"]=> string(34) "Technology and project development" ["Year"]=> int(2017) ["Company"]=> string(4) "Yara" ["Document type"]=> string(14) "Project report" [""]=> string(0) "" } array(8) { ["Hvilken rapport"]=> string(53) "Mulighetsstudier av fullskala CO2-håndtering i Norge" ["Link"]=> string(109) "" ["Part of CCS calue chain"]=> string(11) "Whole chain" ["Subject"]=> string(34) "Technology and project development" ["Year"]=> int(2016) ["Company"]=> string(8) "Gassnova" ["Document type"]=> string(14) "Project report" [""]=> string(0) "" } array(8) { ["Hvilken rapport"]=> string(85) "Samandrag av Gassnovas utgreiing av moglege fullskala CO2-handteringsprosjekt i Norge" ["Link"]=> string(129) "" ["Part of CCS calue chain"]=> string(11) "Whole chain" ["Subject"]=> string(34) "Technology and project development" ["Year"]=> int(2015) ["Company"]=> string(8) "Gassnova" ["Document type"]=> string(14) "Project report" [""]=> string(0) "" } array(8) { ["Hvilken rapport"]=> string(70) "Mulighetsområdet for realisering av fullskala CO2-håndtering i Norge" ["Link"]=> string(97) "" ["Part of CCS calue chain"]=> string(11) "Whole chain" ["Subject"]=> string(34) "Technology and project development" ["Year"]=> int(2012) ["Company"]=> string(9) "Gassnova " ["Document type"]=> string(14) "Project report" [""]=> string(0) "" } array(8) { ["Hvilken rapport"]=> string(45) "Northern Lights-prosjektets forprosjektstudie" ["Link"]=> string(94) "" ["Part of CCS calue chain"]=> string(21) "Transport and storage" ["Subject"]=> string(22) "Technology and project" ["Year"]=> int(2020) ["Company"]=> string(7) "Equinor" ["Document type"]=> string(14) "Project report" [""]=> string(0) "" } array(8) { ["Hvilken rapport"]=> string(41) "Northern Lights-prosjektets konseptstudie" ["Link"]=> string(90) "" ["Part of CCS calue chain"]=> string(21) "Transport and storage" ["Subject"]=> string(22) "Technology and project" ["Year"]=> int(2019) ["Company"]=> string(7) "Equinor" ["Document type"]=> string(14) "Project report" [""]=> string(0) "" } array(8) { ["Hvilken rapport"]=> string(23) "Gasscos transportstudie" ["Link"]=> string(80) "" ["Part of CCS calue chain"]=> string(10) "Transport " ["Subject"]=> string(22) "Technology and project" ["Year"]=> int(2017) ["Company"]=> string(7) "Equinor" ["Document type"]=> string(14) "Project report" [""]=> string(0) "" } array(8) { ["Hvilken rapport"]=> string(37) "Gassnovas samfunnsøkonomiske analyse" ["Link"]=> string(97) "" ["Part of CCS calue chain"]=> string(11) "Whole chain" ["Subject"]=> string(24) "Business and regulations" ["Year"]=> int(2020) ["Company"]=> string(19) "Gassnova and DNV GL" ["Document type"]=> string(8) "Analysis" [""]=> string(0) "" } array(8) { ["Hvilken rapport"]=> string(48) "Gassnovas samfunnsøkonomiske analyse, Vedlegg 1" ["Link"]=> string(114) "" ["Part of CCS calue chain"]=> string(21) "Transport and storage" ["Subject"]=> string(24) "Business and regulations" ["Year"]=> int(2019) ["Company"]=> string(7) "Equinor" ["Document type"]=> string(17) "Analysis and plan" [""]=> string(0) "" } array(8) { ["Hvilken rapport"]=> string(48) "Gassnovas samfunnsøkonomiske analyse, Vedlegg 2" ["Link"]=> string(121) "" ["Part of CCS calue chain"]=> string(21) "Transport and storage" ["Subject"]=> string(24) "Business and regulations" ["Year"]=> int(2020) ["Company"]=> string(7) "Equinor" ["Document type"]=> string(17) "Analysis and plan" [""]=> string(0) "" } array(8) { ["Hvilken rapport"]=> string(48) "Gassnovas samfunnsøkonomiske analyse, Vedlegg 3" ["Link"]=> string(94) "" ["Part of CCS calue chain"]=> string(11) "Whole chain" ["Subject"]=> string(22) "Technology and project" ["Year"]=> int(2019) ["Company"]=> string(8) "Gassnova" ["Document type"]=> string(8) "Analysis" [""]=> string(0) "" } array(8) { ["Hvilken rapport"]=> string(48) "Gassnovas samfunnsøkonomiske analyse, Vedlegg 4" ["Link"]=> string(102) "" ["Part of CCS calue chain"]=> string(11) "Whole chain" ["Subject"]=> string(4) "Cost" ["Year"]=> int(2019) ["Company"]=> string(6) "DNV GL" ["Document type"]=> string(8) "Analysis" [""]=> string(0) "" } array(8) { ["Hvilken rapport"]=> string(48) "Gassnovas samfunnsøkonomiske analyse, Vedlegg 5" ["Link"]=> string(103) "" ["Part of CCS calue chain"]=> string(11) "Whole chain" ["Subject"]=> string(24) "Business and regulations" ["Year"]=> int(2019) ["Company"]=> string(7) "Equinor" ["Document type"]=> string(8) "Analysis" [""]=> string(0) "" } array(8) { ["Hvilken rapport"]=> string(14) "Rapport til UD" ["Link"]=> string(97) "" ["Part of CCS calue chain"]=> string(11) "Whole chain" ["Subject"]=> string(19) "Project development" ["Year"]=> int(2023) ["Company"]=> string(9) "Gassnova " ["Document type"]=> string(14) "Project report" [""]=> string(0) "" } array(8) { ["Hvilken rapport"]=> string(14) "Rapport til UD" ["Link"]=> string(78) "" ["Part of CCS calue chain"]=> string(11) "Whole chain" ["Subject"]=> string(19) "Project development" ["Year"]=> int(2024) ["Company"]=> string(8) "Gassnova" ["Document type"]=> string(14) "Project report" [""]=> string(0) "" } array(8) { ["Hvilken rapport"]=> string(14) "Rapport til UD" ["Link"]=> string(78) "" ["Part of CCS calue chain"]=> string(11) "Whole chain" ["Subject"]=> string(19) "Project development" ["Year"]=> int(2022) ["Company"]=> string(8) "Gassnova" ["Document type"]=> string(14) "Project report" [""]=> string(0) "" } array(8) { ["Hvilken rapport"]=> string(14) "Rapport til UD" ["Link"]=> string(78) "" ["Part of CCS calue chain"]=> string(11) "Whole chain" ["Subject"]=> string(19) "Project development" ["Year"]=> int(2024) ["Company"]=> string(8) "Gassnova" ["Document type"]=> string(14) "Project report" [""]=> string(0) "" } array(8) { ["Hvilken rapport"]=> string(14) "Rapport til UD" ["Link"]=> string(78) "" ["Part of CCS calue chain"]=> string(11) "Whole chain" ["Subject"]=> string(19) "Project development" ["Year"]=> int(2022) ["Company"]=> string(8) "Gassnova" ["Document type"]=> string(14) "Project report" [""]=> string(0) "" } array(8) { ["Hvilken rapport"]=> string(14) "Rapport til UD" ["Link"]=> string(89) "" ["Part of CCS calue chain"]=> string(11) "Whole chain" ["Subject"]=> string(19) "Project development" ["Year"]=> int(2024) ["Company"]=> string(8) "Gassnova" ["Document type"]=> string(14) "Project report" [""]=> string(0) "" } array(8) { ["Hvilken rapport"]=> string(14) "Rapport til UD" ["Link"]=> string(89) "" ["Part of CCS calue chain"]=> string(11) "Whole chain" ["Subject"]=> string(19) "Project development" ["Year"]=> int(2023) ["Company"]=> string(8) "Gassnova" ["Document type"]=> string(14) "Project report" [""]=> string(0) "" } array(8) { ["Hvilken rapport"]=> string(14) "Rapport til UD" ["Link"]=> string(89) "" ["Part of CCS calue chain"]=> string(11) "Whole chain" ["Subject"]=> string(19) "Project development" ["Year"]=> int(2023) ["Company"]=> string(8) "Gassnova" ["Document type"]=> string(14) "Project report" [""]=> string(0) "" } 1.0Gassnovahttps://gassnova.oddeinar.noannelisbeth you need to know about carbon capture and storage - Gassnovarich600338<blockquote class="wp-embedded-content" data-secret="kkIAQHuHva"><a href="">What you need to know about carbon capture and storage</a></blockquote><iframe sandbox="allow-scripts" security="restricted" src="" width="600" height="338" title="«What you need to know about carbon capture and storage» — Gassnova" data-secret="kkIAQHuHva" frameborder="0" marginwidth="0" 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